Theme: "Educating for Climate Action and Sustainability"
ICSE - 2023 welcomes quality paper, oral and poster presentations. Please submit abstract of your research or review paper, case study article or success story that aligns with the theme of the conference.

Submission Guidelines for Abstract

  1. Abstract should be short, informative and should represent original ideas, reviews, research, case studies etc.
  2. Abstracts should not exceed 500 words in .doc/.docx format.
  3. The title should be printed in CAPITAL LETTERS (font size 14), with the exception of scientific names which should be upper/lower case and italicized.
  4. Character font should be Times New Roman and 12-point type.
  5. Presenting author's name should come first, followed by co-author's name along with their affiliations (Institution address and email).

    Abstract Timeline

  1. The deadline for Abstract Submission: 16th August 2023.
  2. Acceptance of submissions will be notified within 15 days.
  3. Submissions will be reviewed by expert committee. Authors of accepted submissions will be required to submit full paper/poster in prescribed guidelines by 31st August 2023 to be reviewed and presented at the conference.


Language English
Paper Length Abstract: Not more than 500 words within 2 pages.
Full Paper: within 12 pages including references, tables/charts and keywords.
Keywords Max 5
Font Title: 20 pt. Bold, Times New Roman
Headings: 14 pt. Bold, Times New Roman
Body: 12pt, Times New Roman
Paragraph Single-spaced
Margin Normal,
(Top: 2.54cm; Bottom: 2.54cm; Right: 3.18cm)
Page Numbers Bottom-centered
Layout One-column Portrait
Format PDF/MS-Word Compatible file


  1. Language: English
  2. PPT length: 10-15 slides
  3. Font: Sans serif/Helvetica/ Arial
  4. Font size: 24
  5. Layout: Landscape
  6. Format: .pptx/.ppt
  1. Presenters of accepted papers should provide presentations in advance.
  2. Presentation should be prepared in Microsoft PowerPoint version 2016 or 2019.
  3. Preferred page set-up is landscape orientation (portrait orientation will not be displayed correctly).
  4. Use standard Windows fonts only (Arial/Times New Roman). Try to avoid use of non-standard Windows fonts or language specific fonts.
  5. Please use the "insert image from a file" functionality from PowerPoint (format JPG or PNG).


A poster presentation allows a presenter to provide a visual summary of their research and/or innovation to be displayed for sharing with conference delegates. There will be dedicated time allocated in the conference for poster viewing by delegates and also an opportunity for poster presenters to be available to discuss their work with conference delegates on an individual basis.

  1. The poster title, author(s)'s name(s) and affiliation(s) should be placed at the top of the poster.
  2. The poster size should be 4 feet (height) and 3 feet (width) (4 X 3).
  3. Use large font, such as font size 36-48 for section headings and font size 20-28 for text.
  4. Organisers will guide display of poster at designated spot at the conference venue.
  5. Presenters will be responsible for mounting their posters.
  6. Posters will be available for viewing throughout the conference and must be taken down after the scheduled program.
  7. Poster presenters need to make themselves available for presentation and discussion during the formal poster sessions.